36 Children

Date Founded:



Soweto Slums- Kayole, Nairobi Kenya

Monthly Funding Needed:

$14 per child = $504 funded by Lift the Children

Orphanage contact:

Mr. Julius Nyawira- Director

Contact info:



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Background Information

Nazarene Orphans Centre & School was founded by Consolata Oketch in 2004. Consolata had a desire to home abandoned and orphaned children without parents living in the Soweto Slums. Over the years, many of the children have grown to become teenagers and have never known any other place to call home. Nazarene Orphans Centre was officially registered under the Ministry of Gender Social Development in the year 2006.

Beside removing children from the streets and providing for their food, shelter, and health needs, Nazarene also supports the children to stay away from drug and alcohol abuse, child labor, and trafficking, all of which are high risk factors for children living in the slums. While at the home, children receive counseling and also are supported to know more about religion- as Nazarene is a Christian centered institution and believes in Christian values.

Nazarenes mission is to provide holistic care with a view of reducing poverty among the inhabitants of Soweto slums and bringing up a healthy, educated community to contribute to development of the nation through provision of education, medical services, feeding, and accommodation to top disadvantaged children who do not have means of realizing their dreams of such opportunities in life.