
Massai in Peril

As we were attending to the needs of the children in Nairobi, we became aware of a tribe of Maasai, the aboriginal people of Africa, who were in distress. A two year drought was killing the cattle, who are the mainstay of their survival. We contacted the chief and asked how we could help. He [ . . . ]

Thank you from Dagoretti Corner Rehabilitation Centre

Another kind letter of appreciation, this one is from Dagoretti Corner Rehabilitation Centre. They care for 476 residential children. Dear Lift the Children, We wish to thank God for you for your continuous support to the center. Be loved, we wish to express to you our heartfelt message of appreciation for the love God has [ . . . ]


Restoration Orphanage is led by a very humble man named Pastor Robert. In our initial meeting I tried to assess their present situation. As we sat in a rather dark room I asked him to turn on the light so we could see each other better. He explained that they had no money and therefore [ . . . ]


Many of the sights and sounds of Africa are wonderful however in the slums we find a much different, pungent smell and appearance which is often difficult for some to bear. Wamo Children’s Home resides in the middle of the slum of Kawangware. Aside the tin shacks which constitutes their home, runs a river of [ . . . ]


Recently we found ourselves in Mozambique. We were being housed in a catholic mission and we were there to determine the needs of the children in the area. One morning we determined to take a walk out of the village. As we proceeded up the trail we encountered many people going in the opposite direction [ . . . ]


As we worked in the slum of Kibera we came across a small children’s centre that was trying to help care for the street children giving them a basic education. Their problem was that the children were always hungry and would spend their time begging for food instead of coming to school. There were 23 [ . . . ]


On a recent outing to the Maasai, the villagers asked me if we wanted to go on a hunt. Of course I responded in the affirmative. I asked which animals we were allowed to hunt and they responded, “We are Maasai, we can hunt anything!”. Then, I stated, I would like to hunt elephant. Although [ . . . ]


We have visited the Maasai people four times now and each time we bring them relief supplies. On our first trip once we had distributed the food and blankets the village chiefs wanted to host us for a dinner. We thought that would be nice. The sun had now set and we were led to [ . . . ]

Valentine’s Day

I was recently visiting one of our orphanages in Nairobi. It happened to be Valentine’s Day and I was playing with about twenty two year olds. As we were having fun together the matron came into the courtyard carrying a cake that somebody had donated to the orphanage. You must understand that these children never [ . . . ]


On a recent outing to Uganda I found myself on the back of a motorcycle visiting villagers and checking on the health of the children. One of their struggles is with jiggers. Jiggers are parasites that enter the body through the feet and crawl up the body of children. The solution to jiggers is quite [ . . . ]

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